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Information is copyright 2001-2024 by Astruc Pierre, also known as RCK.
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Interview with Kari-Pekka Koljonen, author of HippoPlayer
Posted by Daff - 16 July 2024 08:19
The magazine Obligement published today an interview with Kari-Pekka Koljonen, the author of the legendary audio player HippoPlayer. He's also a game developper with Sormelus et Tankkk/TankX, which were redevelopped after 26 years!

In English:

In French:
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A1200 in a 5.25 disk bay
Posted by gurth - 12 July 2024 10:26
gurth's Avatar  An obscure link came up in a conversation on hackernews yesterday:

An A1200 in a 5.25 bay for sale
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Robin Hood Legend of Sherwood - Full Version on Amiga with Apollo V4
Posted by willemdrijver - 08 July 2024 20:17
First realtime footage of Robin Hood Legend of Sherwood gameplay running on Amiga Platform using Apollo V4 enhanced 68080 AMMX and SAGA features. Watch this short 10 minute video to get a close-up impression of the awesome power of Apollo V4 and the joy of playing games that could/should have been made for the next-gen Amiga. Apollo Team Mission is to revive Amiga and we hope you will join us . . .
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New Amiga game - Shift!
Posted by Haplo - 29 June 2024 00:20
The Amiga port of Shift is finally ready!

Step into the monochromatic and mind-bending universe of Shift, where black and white landscapes hide more than meets the eye...where inside is outside, and light and dark don't differ!

Compared to the 8-bit versions, the Amiga version features enhanced graphics, new animations and 8 new levels (44 levels plus one secret level). It runs on the OCS chipset.

Get it from here:
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Ami H.E.R.O.
Posted by rygar - 28 June 2024 21:48
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Dune II: The Building of A Remaster
Posted by BlitterObject - 19 June 2024 15:43
In the style of the "diary of a game" articles from back in the day, Dune II: The Building of A Remaster documents the development process for making a remaster of Dune II from scratch, specifically for AGA and OCS Amigas...two new versions!

Dune II for the Amiga never got a dedicated AGA release, and even though the game was really popular, what did get released had some problems. This project was started to right all of the wrongs and give the Amiga community the Dune II they deserve.
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Geoff Follin passed away R.I.P.
Posted by dlfrsilver - 02 June 2024 19:24
dlfrsilver's Avatar  I was warned by CNGSOFT regarding Tim Follin's brother Geoff Follin, as he passed away after being diagnosed with a pancreatic cancer on the 7th of may, things went very fast and Tim posted on FB that he died on the 30th may 2024.

I have updated his sheet on HOL accordingly.
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WinUAE 5.3.0
Posted by Toni Wilen - 02 June 2024 15:52
WinUAE 5.3.0 (01.06.2024) released.


New emulated RTG boards

CyberVision/BlizzardVision PPC. 2D only, 3D is not implemented. (Permedia 2)
GVP EGS 110/24. (INMOS G364)
Graffity. (Cirrus Logic CL-GD5428)
Merlin, includes support for configurable serial number used by ProBench (Tseng ET4000W32)
oMniBus (Tseng ET4000AX or ET4000W32)
Rainbow III (INMOS G360)
Visiona (INMOS G300)
All “classic” 1990s RTG boards are now emulated.

New features/updates

Prometheus FireStorm PCI bridge emulation
Release raw input devices when GUI is open (except during input Test/Remap) or when debugger window is active. Allows Windows shortcut keys like Win+E to work without need to unfocus the window.
Added Misc panel option to disable default on screen keyboard gamepad button 4 mapping.
Some uae-configuration (and other similar) debugging logging messages automatically opened the console window. Now only entering debugger will open it.
Added “Always on (Fixed only)” sound filter option. This enables A500 fixed filter but never enables “led filter”. (A1200 does not have fixed filter, only “led” filter)
Replaced old Windows 2000 compatible Windows clipboard handling with newer, simpler and more reliable method introduced in Vista.
Allow also 68020+ CPUs to fetch instruction words from custom chipset space. Only if more compatible is set. If some program really wants to do something weird like execute code located in AGA palette registers ?
Lightpen/gun cursor in any edge of screen: lightpen/gun not pointing at the screen = position can’t be read by the program.
Statefile shortcut keys now select current config file name as a base statefile name (for example, if “test1.uae” config file is loaded, SHIFT+END+0 will save statefile as “test1.uss”. Quickstart mode config still uses original default “default.uss”)
Both “SaveImage” (automatically created ext adf when write-enabling non-writable image like ipf) file extension variants are now detected automatically when checking if file exists. Paths panel SaveImage mode option now only affects generated file name when new saveimage is created.
Added LDP-1450 laserdisc player OSD font emulation. Fixes laserdisc arcade game Platoon (Nova) previously missing “YOU’RE HIT!!” messages. (All OSD graphics are generated by Amiga except this message!)

Bug fixes

Fixed XT based Bridgeboards non-working floppy drive emulation, broke during 5.1 DraCo updates (wrong density detection)
Serial port data receive was unreliable. Loopback serial port mode didn’t work in fast CPU modes.
CD32 FMV video image size and positioning was weird in most scaled modes.
Exclusive fullscreen and RTG resolution switch (RTG resolution switch to another RTG resolution without switch to native mode and back) didn’t change fullscreen resolution.
Some ECS programmed modes (for example SuperPlus) had first visible line blanked.
Fixed corruption in some “weird” programmed modes, introduced in 5.0 betas.
Some hardware emulated RTG boards had flickering colors during horizontal panning (>8 bit modes only)
Fixed ECS Denise superhires mode hires sprite pointer strange odd/even horizontal movement.
Fixed pre-KS 1.2 HDF/directory filesystem boot. Broke long time ago.
Multi-monitor active state was not fully reset when system was hard reset. (Multimonitor window was open -> hard reset -> window didn’t open anymore again)
If x86 bridgeboard SVGA and also other hardware emulated RTG board was active and END+F9 was used to switch monitors: both monitors’ output was drawn in same window, causing corrupted graphics and possibly also crash if monitor sizes were too different.
It was not possible to write and read ECS/AGA genlock transparency bit in color registers. Was broken long time ago.
Delay ALG LDP seek complete status reply slightly. Fixes laserdisc arcade game Platoon (Nova) few second hangs.
Los Justicieros (Zorton Brothers) laserdisc arcade game left holster hooked up correctly. (Was stuck active previously)

[Please don't post bug reports in this thread.]

When 5.2.0 was released, I wrote in release news post that next version's update plan was custom chipset rewrite. It was delayed because I had not good enough ideas how to do that but I think I now have good enough solution ready.. Current code is too messy and can't handle all kind of really weird things that no one really has done until recently and was originally written when no one knew how Agnus and others really work internally which meant more and more hacks.
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APoV issue 5 released
Posted by blackcornflake - 25 May 2024 16:00
blackcornflake's Avatar  Finally, The *Rock* has come *back* to the Cow Palace!

Wait, that's not right.

Finally, APoV issue 5 is released!

APoV? Amiga Point of View. A magazine made by a tiny team from the land of abime.

The mag has a bunch of sweet Amiga content over 72 pages, including an interview with Magnetic Fields, the first part of a countdown of Amiga-exclusive games, a look at games from another dimension, games with ropes and swinging, and lots of reviews of classic games including Naughty Ones, Zynaps and Road Rash. Games, games, games.

You can download a free sample and/or buy the mag (PDF/print) on our page:

Or if you just want to send us money to help with our costs, we have a Patreon too:

Go on, turn to the dark side. Dip your toe in at least. Something something com-plete.
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GQ3 "Gateway to Nowhere" PAL Released
Posted by pngcan - 25 May 2024 02:03
pngcan's Avatar  Hello Friends,

Well, it's done (I think ) GQ3 Gateway To Nowhere (PAL version) is released on my page (game link below). The NTSC version should be ready to go in about a month or so. The game is freely downloaded but you have a choice to make a donation to the author (me ) or choose no donation and you will be taken to the download link. Whatever your choice, no worries, I'm just pleased you are playing my game.

This is the continuing adventure of George Angus as he traverses the crazy era of 90's computing centered around the Commodore story (in parody).
In these next 2 chapters we focus on Dave Haynie and the immediate years following the demise of Commodore. I received Dave's blessing to use his likeness. Chapter 5 "Haynie's Comet" specifically follows his journey through Pios, Metabox, Merlancia and Fortell (loosely and in parody). I also received permission to use the likeness of another current Amiga celebrity, but you just have to play to find out who it is.

The game has over 120 hand drawn rooms.closeups & animations, dozens of puzzles to solve and dozens of mods & samples to enjoy.

The most prevalent suggestion in GQ2 "In search of Queen Lorraine" was "more love to the pixel art" so that's what I did, stepping it up considerably (but it is still just 32 colors 320 x 200 Low Res)

Once I have the NTSC version done I will upload to Aminet as 1 full LHA with both versions.

The game got bigger than GRAC2 could handle so chapter 6 "There be Cows" will be a stand alone GQ3 part 2 with an anticipated release date of late fall early winter 2024.

Thanks to the AMOS coding community with their help with some of the GRAC2 glitches that plagued GQ2, this one is solid. I tested it on a bare 600 with 2mb chip all the way up to a 1200 with a pi 4.0 and never a crash. ( thanks adrazar ;-) )

As was the case in GQ2 my email is in the game materials, please feel free to email me any comments, suggestions, errors, issues whatever (so long as you are kind please) I am a one man show, all story writing, coding, music writing and recording, graphics drawing, anim creations , proof reading, testing, all done by just me, so it is likely I have missed much.

Some mods, samples and pictures are from the AMOS PD Library, redrawn, recolored, re-recorded to fit/work in the GRAC2 game environment. Authors unknown. Some photos were also reworked to 320x200 res and recolored to fit such as the Commodore building & offices and Job's office.

Have fun.
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Microsoft Windows "Features" in the News right now.
Posted by DisasterIncarna - 21 May 2024 22:46
DisasterIncarna's Avatar  So a lot of people who have been asleep for a long time have been worrying about the nice new features reported that basically spy on everyone and the panic is real, something i find hilarious as everything reported has been going on or at least found out as far back as Windows10, onyl they were labelled as "Useful Features".

This information was either ignored or dismissed as nonsense yet now its come back and supposedly "new" (which it isnt), then we have new levels of paranoia to deal with.

So why the post? well, ive seen ever increasing posts, youtube videos and reddit threads of people saying they are sick of either bad games, or what is basically malware/spyware rootkit "AntiCheat" that has unrestricted access to windows PC's wrapped up in the guise of a game, and here we are with the public at large, slow on the uptake seeing similar things with their basic operating system.

Gamers are already starting to go back to old/retro games to avoid bad stuff, are we soon going to be at the stage where we will actually regress to old/retro operating systems just to feel safe on our home computers?

Linux will be the obvious thing to jump to for many people for those that havent already, but that just means a new target for control and abuse, how long before people feel the need to jump to old OS, possibly like Amiga Workbench, or the Atari and old MAC System X OS's simply because they would be a static/fixed state not easily "updated" to a bad/intrusive condition.

Were pretty much doomed, but its gonna be interesting to see if a load of us actually regress, both in gaming and on OS use.
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Robin Hood Legend of Sherwood - Beta Preview 2
Posted by willemdrijver - 19 May 2024 23:18
I would like to share this 7 minute follow up video on the progress in the port/recode project of Robin Hood Legend of Sherwood point and click game to Amiga Platform using powerful Apollo V4 68080 and SAGA Chipset features.

Apollo Robin Hood Legend of Sherwood Beta Preview 2
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DiskFlashback - read/write Amiga, PC and ST disks in Windows!
Posted by Aegis - 14 May 2024 10:46
Aegis's Avatar  Rob Smith (creator of Amiga DrawBridge) has released a new tool for Windows that allows you to mount (and edit!) Amiga adf images.

Even cooler, if you have a DrawBridge (or GreaseWeazle)-enabled floopy drive, you can even read/write disk images directly to the physical floppy.

It's in beta atm but free to download here:
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Doom RPG released
Posted by BSzili - 13 May 2024 06:47
BSzili's Avatar 

Doom RPG is a first-person turn-based role playing game set in the Doom universe. Developed specifically for your mobile device, you reprise the role of the Doom Marine made famous in the groundbreaking id Software titles Doom, Doom II, and Doom 3. Say goodbye to humdrum mobile gaming and prepare yourself for the return to Mars in a showdown with the legions of Hell!

Amiga version:

Game data:

Soruce code:

Development thread:
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Jesus on Es music played on BBC 6 Music Rave Forever
Posted by vroom6sri - 02 May 2024 12:15
I often listen to BBC 6 Music on my PC while I work and on the current episode I am listening to of 6 Music's Rave Forever (dated 09 Sept 2023) it has just played part of the music from Jesus on Es.

The playlist says this segment of music was "DJ Jedi, Jedi (Side A)". I had thought the track from JoE was original and created for the demo. Is that not the case or is DJ Jedi the alter ego of Echo?
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